Took Kookie to get her booster shot. Next I dropped Kendra's pic off then went to see Dougy. One of the park dwellers that came out a couple times. I promised him some of my great treasures last year n dropped it off, and gave him one of my great photos .
He lives n lancaster n might reserve a shelter next summer for the final show.
Everyone I have taken pics of or have pet my pups are honored guest... bring your own stuff. 😏
Everyone I have taken pics of or have pet my pups are honored guest... bring your own stuff. 😏
I saw these guys n thought they needed a pic all together n the girl knew me from facebook :)
And they did a pic with Kookie too. I took about 5, the one I chose almost got the big guy out of the frame but it was the best one with everyone looking at the camera 😋
And they did a pic with Kookie too. I took about 5, the one I chose almost got the big guy out of the frame but it was the best one with everyone looking at the camera 😋
Getting ready to leave n I saw Kookie's pal Brian and in the background TheMick chirped ... I got her to do a pic of me n Kookie.. I ironed out the wrinkels in the jeans put some blue in em, removed the red eye from Kookie and darkened the foreground (flash made it brighter because it was closer)
After I take pics of people a couple times I feel guilty.. but these guys r so friendly. I cropped this one and darkened it a bit. I was not standing on level ground n just took some quickies.
Oh yeah, got to give her one of the enlargements I made.
She liked the pic I took on Aug 11. I planned it for a couple weeks waiting for the moon to be in a position over Mt Pleasant
Me and Kookie were in Forest Rose cemetary a couple hours. After all the planning the clouds covered it.. but at last it came out.
On the prints I have made I add our logo and a link to the pics. August stuff is here
After I gave Mick the pic I headed to Walmart for a sc card for my phone, someone in a truck beside me yelled.. I think it was Joey n Kelly .. how could it be, they moved far away.. then I thought hope they stop, I had more pics as gifts.
I had 7 made, n 3 left.
With PuppyDog 😎
Luke .. rides his bike up n down the trrails.. wish I was n such good shape.. #risingpark
The Picnic idea. Not to come n see me but to pick one day for a picnic at the park and invite all your friends n family to be there.
I thought on a Sunday afternoon , then those who were froggy might walk up n watch the sunset.
Had to go in n pick up some pills so we went to Mt P first. Hoping I might see some of Kookie's pals.
First I saw these guys doing pics n they let me do a couple of them with their camera n mine.
Later they came on up n I got to do another and have em do a pic with Kookie... things I need to make my day complete, also did some pics of a guy on the end with his camera.
So many pics of me when I have no victims so I goofed off with a couple. I saw 4 deer on the way up, singled out this guy did the composite with me when I got home.
First I saw these guys doing pics n they let me do a couple of them with their camera n mine.
Later they came on up n I got to do another and have em do a pic with Kookie... things I need to make my day complete, also did some pics of a guy on the end with his camera.
So many pics of me when I have no victims so I goofed off with a couple. I saw 4 deer on the way up, singled out this guy did the composite with me when I got home.
Kookie has a vet appointment on the 29th so we will come out if I get my exercises done.. Just a few more months to go
Trying to think of photo ideas, I took this one of Kookie n our Christmas tree. Found a candy wrapper and hung it on the branch for a decoration.. did one of me n Kookie n goofed off with it.
Had to go to the doc today so we stopped at Mt P on the way home. Kind of hoped I might see one of my photography models.
On the way up I passed one guy n asked him about others being on top.. not many then I saw this guy n thought Santa after buying a total gym, I talked him in doing a pic with Kookie .. a nice guy :)
On the way up I passed one guy n asked him about others being on top.. not many then I saw this guy n thought Santa after buying a total gym, I talked him in doing a pic with Kookie .. a nice guy :)
I took a pic of this message in the sand, saying 2:50 when I got home I looked at my pic.. 3:10 pm, missed em
Trying to think of photo ideas, I took this one of Kookie n our Christmas tree. Found a candy wrapper and hung it on the branch for a decoration.. did one of me n Kookie n goofed off with it.
I get lucky n capture some postcard photos but a great content is capturing a pic I think will be a keeper for people. Lots come up with family n friends but don't get pics together.
It has been so gloomy but the sun came out today n gonna rain tomorrow so we got stuff finished n went to Mt P
A girl looked when we got out of the wagon but was lots faster getting up the trail ,
Saw her out on the rock n thought washed in the glow of the sun, a great candid shot. Then I asked if I had taken her pic b4 .. yep
Walkied to the far end n saw a couple .. asked em but they said I had taken their pic b4 .. So I did some glamor shots with Kookie #risingpark
So many people sit on our magic mountain gazing out toward the sun , it is an iconic image repeated over n over through the decades
I took several hoping for a good one.. the sun still causing a bit of sunflare but such a cute pumpkin who comes again
The sun just in the perfect spot .. I hoped someone I knew might be here .. well she knew me n Kookie now I will remember her I hope
Being alone with PuppyDog in 2010 is when I got the idea to come out to Rising Park to take pics, n get pets for the pup. I was invited to some things but only went to one wedding because it was outside and I could take PuppyDog (Kids I met on Mt P put a clip of em in my long hocking hills video)
Some one at the park started adding me to the fb and one Christmas when I took PuppyDog out to the ladies room, there was a bunch of stuff on the step... for several years. Our good fairy moved to Virginia Beach last year.. but her assistant came out,
This year she returned for a visit and stuff was there when we came home from Mt Pleasant.
This year she returned for a visit and stuff was there when we came home from Mt Pleasant.
Just one of the encounters with our visiting farries
My photo assistants PuppyDog and Kookie.. :)
My photo assistants PuppyDog and Kookie.. :)
In previous years I had large metal prints made 20x30
This year I had 12x18 prints made with frames.. they look pretty nice. Thinking gifts for any park dweller who gave em pets or were their victims.
I didn't think they would be here until after the 25th but got them today
I will probably come out to Mt P on Friday I posted the pics I had printed here
I just did these for samples to see how they would come out. #risingpark
Havent been to mt p for days but took Kookie to get groomed.. so hard for me to get stuff done any more and so many things coming up.. so after she got spruced up I stopped n took her up the trail.
Havent been to mt p for days but took Kookie to get groomed.. so hard for me to get stuff done any more and so many things coming up.. so after she got spruced up I stopped n took her up the trail.
No victims to photograph n no pets for Kookie.
I thought of some poses I would have liked her to get with the groomer girls .. but I always think of stuff too late.
.No humans on top but in the soft sand I saw these hooves tracks... hmmm
With my head in the clouds.. just a few more months.
Switching doctors to one out on 37, gonna try to leave Kookie at the Fido place for pups when I go to the doc later then thought I would stop at the park take some pics and take care of the phone.
At the park I realized I forgot the camera so I didnt walk up to the top, got back to the Jeep, lost the car keys... ugh
On the way out passing the gazebo I spied a family with a couple little ones setting up a Christmas pic.. couldn't help it, I backed up the Jeep got em to sit together so they would all be in the pic.. bet they keep it.. after a couple I made a loud noise to get one's attention n made them cry, a quick escape. 😋
Next I went out to get Kookie's license n stopped in Fidos thought they might have em and wanted to figure how to get Kookie in... n one of the Mt Pleasant Pumpkins was there 😄 that made friends with Kookie.
No network on my phone it was Rita's from around 2005 I think. They said it would not keep up with the new network so to the trash I guess n buy a tack phone, never talk to anyone any way but for emergency
Then to Slaters to have a replacement key made $74 ugh then to the pill store and back out to the park to see if I could find the keys. no soap.
Last stop... Krogers to get some stuff .. they move every thing around .. looking in a trance then popped up our yoga girl pal. I can't think of things to say till after people leave but at least I got to see a couple Mount Pleasant pups and capture a family pic I think will be a keeper for em.
#risingpark #adaywithkookie
First pics I captured this month did one with n with out flash, my arm needs to be longer #risingpark
Had to go in n get Kookie's meds a while back she had seizures really scary when I have no victims to practice on. She has big tangles in her fur n I am gonna take her to the groomer girl this month.. n maybe get her some antlers for pics
Just saw 3 people on top I was gonna do a candid of a girl n her pup put by the time I got Kookie tied she was leaving. I talked these guys into a couple pics.. thought they were from Sherman but Sheridan..
Haven't been to Mt P yet this month but played with pshop
.A few of my favorites are HERE you can copy them and have them printed if you r froggy or you might have your own.

Haven't been to Mt P yet this month but played with pshop
Lots of us take pics of and from the tip of Mt Pleasant. When we post them in groups there are lots of likes, shares and great comments.
You can buy pics of places never seen and hang them but to us, those who have stood on Mt Pleasant, photos of our magic spot are special.
If you are buying gifts for others, an idea for others who find beauty of our 'Mountain' an idea is a photo ... could have it printed at Walmart and buy a frame there or you can order prints from Google.
You can buy pics of places never seen and hang them but to us, those who have stood on Mt Pleasant, photos of our magic spot are special.
If you are buying gifts for others, an idea for others who find beauty of our 'Mountain' an idea is a photo ... could have it printed at Walmart and buy a frame there or you can order prints from Google.
.A few of my favorites are HERE you can copy them and have them printed if you r froggy or you might have your own.
I am guessing some of you have friends that take photos or paint stuff. getting 'artwork' from them for a present would be giving two gifts. Yep it is a complement when others give merit to your work or talents.
Thinking of this now in case you don't know what to give to someone but know they love Mt Pleasant.
I capture lots of duds but get lucky to take some nice photos. Sometimes I spend hours to capture a cool shot. It took four trips to capture the moon over Mt Pleasant.
Just before the virus hit us I was on Mt Pleasant the year the fairgrounds was lit up for Christmas and did a time lapse (removed me n Kookie out of the clips)
So the video clip is short, I padded it with some pics of Kookie.
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